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OpenAPI Spec Simplification

Source module: fastapi_restful.openapi

One of the biggest benefits of working with FastAPI is the auto-generated OpenAPI spec, which enables integration with a variety of API development and documentation tooling, like Swagger UI and Redoc.

A particularly powerful application of the OpenAPI spec is using it to generate an API client.

The openapi-generator project makes it easy to generate API clients for a variety of languages based entirely on your OpenAPI spec. This is especially useful in situations where your server and client are implemented in different languages, or you have multiple clients to maintain (e.g., for native mobile apps). Using a generated client makes it easy to keep your client in sync with your server as you add or refactor endpoints.

Typically, openapi-generator will use an endpoint’s operationId to generate the name for the client function that hits the associated endpoint.

When generating the OpenAPI spec, by default FastAPI includes the function name, endpoint path, and request method, in the generated operationId:

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def get_resource(resource_id: int) -> int:
    return resource_id

path_spec = app.openapi()["paths"]["/api/v1/resource/{resource_id}"]
operation_id = path_spec["get"]["operationId"]
assert operation_id == "get_resource_api_v1_resource__resource_id__get"

This is a good default behavior because it ensures that distinct endpoints on your server will have distinct operationIds. However, it also means that an auto-generated client will have extremely verbose function names like getResourceApiV1ResourceResourceIdGet.

To simplify your operation IDs, you can use fastapi_restful.openapi.simplify_operation_ids to replace the generated operation IDs with ones generated using only the function name:

from fastapi import FastAPI

from fastapi_restful.openapi import simplify_operation_ids

app = FastAPI()

def get_resource(resource_id: int) -> int:
    return resource_id


path_spec = app.openapi()["paths"]["/api/v1/resource/{resource_id}"]
operation_id = path_spec["get"]["operationId"]
assert operation_id == "get_resource"

Note that this requires you to use different function names for each endpoint/method combination, or you will end up with conflicting operationIds. But this is usually pretty easy to ensure, and can significantly improve the naming used by your auto-generated API client(s).